2024-09-01 05:07:08
- 来源:其他
wget http://excess.org/speedometer/speedometer.py
yum install python-urwid
chmod 755 speedometer
./speedometer.py -rx eth0 -c -tx eth0
[root@fast ~]# ./speedometer.py
Usage: speedometer [options] tap [[-c] tap]...
Monitor network traffic or speed/progress of a file transfer. At least one
tap must be entered. -c starts a new column, otherwise taps are piled
[-f] filename [size] display download speed [with progress bar]
-f must be used if directly following another
file tap without an expected size specified
-rx network-interface display bytes received on network-interface
-tx network-interface display bytes transmitted on network-interface
-i interval-in-seconds eg. “5“ or “0.25“ default: “1“
-p use plain-text display (one tap only)
-b use old blocky display instead of smoothed
display even when UTF-8 encoding is detected
-z report zero size on files that don't exist
instead of waiting for them to be created
Python Version: 2.4
Urwid >= 0.8.9 detected: yes Urwid >= 0.9.1 and UTF-8 encoding detected: yes